The history of the library dates back to 1964 when Universitas Atma Jaya Branch Semarang was established. In 1972, it became the Institut Teknologi Katolik Semarang (ITKS). In 1982, the name changed to Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata. The library underwent several relocations until July 17, 2002, when it moved to the Thomas Aquinas Library Building, an 8-story building covering an area of 12,544 m2, with the library occupying 3 floors spanning 6,590 m2. Today, the library serves the academic community of Unika Soegijapranata and other Indonesian universities, housing over 25,000 titles and 60,000 copies of printed materials. Additionally, it has electronic collections consisting of journals and "Local Content" including theses, dissertations, research reports, and final projects.
The library as a Center of Information and Learning Activities
1. Developing the library's role as a collector, manager, presenter, and disseminator of information (information delivery)
2. Optimizing the library's resources (human, collections, and infrastructure) to enhance its role as an information center
3. Improving human resources quality to enhance competency in library management, creating an environment that motivates users to learn
4. Making the library a force for improving educational quality and alumni academic stature in society
5. Adopting information technology as a means to drive library development and service quality
6. Making the library a tool for enhancing the university's image
Do it with a smile
Jl. Pawiyatan Luhur IV/1 Bendan Dhuwur Semarang 50234
Phone: 024-8441555 (hunting)
Fax: 024-8415429, 8445265
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